

After almost deleting this blog about 4 times in the past month, I've decided to recycle it. I now vow to actually post in it.

Let's get started.

Today was a day full of make-up fun and pictures. Inspiration courtesy of Teen Vogue. The new nifty one with Taylor Swift on the cover. I don't actually like her music that much, but she's gorgeous so she belongs on the cover anyway. I would post pictures of the day's activities, but dial-up is determined to make my life hell.

For Rappahannock high schoolers, the new semester started on Friday due to an impromptu holiday thanks to Chester Gap getting a massive amount of ice. Thank God for faulty school systems.
But the excitement was short-lived for some.

I may be alone when I say that I officially hate my new schedule, not that that would be anything out of the ordinary. My classes are Pre-calculus, English, French 2 and Personal Fitness.

Pre-calculus with Mr. Wilson. I don't know him quite well yet, but do I really need more than an hour to figure out that he is a total crack-head? The man went on for 5 minutes about steamed shrimp.

English actually sounds rather promising. Mrs. Delcour has a bubbly personality which should make things at least semi-interesting for the semester. The only negative thing to comment on this class would be A.J. Collins. Yes, A.j, you are a genius. You are even socially accepted. That's wonderful. Now please stop wearing South Pole sweaters made for men over the age of 90.

French 2. Enough said.

Personal Fitness promises to help me jump higher, run faster, feel stronger. It also promises to make me look a complete fool in front of half the senior class. All in 90 days.

Are you feeling at odds with your class schedule? Feel free to vent.