
Pt. 1 of Expedition

On Monday morning, about the 5th day of summer vacation, I stumbled upon something vastly new to me.
Chickens laid eggs?

I mean, of course I realized this before. But actually seeing a pile of chicken eggs out in the wilderness (or the chicken coop...) is rather exciting. After discovering this, however, I promptly forgot about it, as is the way of the wandering mind.
The sun was *mostly* out and it didn't take me very long to start feeling my fence-post white skin start to burn. Those goddamn birds that sound like they're trying to sing but are really not were awake too. So I was really trying to keep my spirits up in order to stay outside and not just retreat indoors.

That's when I found nest number two. Underneath our trailer.
If you own a trailer, or have lived in one, or currently live in one, or aspire to live in one, you know that underneath the trailer is not generally where you would look.
Of course, if you regularly trip over things that the universe plants there just to laugh as you fall, you end up looking in strange places during the recovery period. Which is, obviously, what happened here.

Anyways, nest No.2 was different than the first nests. One, because we didn't build this one. Two, because the thing sitting on it was not a chicken. IT WAS MY FREAKING GUINEA HEN! I thought she had been eaten months ago, but alas, there she was sitting *not* so peacefully on her nest. The lack of peace was expressed by her trying to eat my eyeballs out. I guess you really don't mess with mama?

Well, I did. I immediately began attempting to remove Mama from her nest, endeavouring to steal some guinea eggs as proof to the rest of the family of her existance. There was a long stick nearby, so to save my fingers from wreckage, and I prodded her off the bundle with it. Success. But then I had a better idea.

My chickens had been laying a shitload of eggs, yes, but none of them were hatching. SOOOOO
I quickly ran back to nest No. 1 (see above) and grabbed 4 chicken eggs, sprinted back to NN2 and put them on Mama's nest before she saw. *I think*
I might be a genious.

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Russell P. said...

You know, this excellent blog post is about three drafts away from being an amazing monologue.

Which also means it needs about fifteen-odd sisters for a one-woman show...and we all know that's necessary for the world's survival, right?

Jess_kicks_Boutte said...
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