
I knew it was a toad! Caught the little sucker and made him a nice, cozy hotel-box.


Expedition Never-rest

Decided to walk around at 8:30 this morning, rather than stay in bed, awake, for any longer. The sun was already beating down on our less-than-manicured lawn, so I strolled over to the shadier side of the mountain. This is when things got interesting. Well, rather, not interesting. Painful.

The chicken coop is set up like so: A large cage on the left hand side, surrounded by *doh* Chicken wire. On the right, a platform suspened 3 feet off the ground that allows one to access the "hatchery" so you don't have to bargain for your life with angry hens. Not to be punny, but that platform was my downfall.

When you wander outdoors at 8 in the morning, tying your sneakers isn't the first, second or heck, sixteenth thing on your mind. I already am mildly distracted this early in the morning, and wore an 6 year old pair of flip-flops. They're yellow. WERE yellow, 5 years ago. They're scratchy, and they're squeeky. I don't mind though, shoes are shoes.

These ratty shoes were about to become crucial. My brain, always on food, saw the chicken coop and registered chickens with eggs and eggs with omelettes, so I bee-lined towards it. The jump is generally easy to accomplish, about 4 feet diagonally to reach the platform. However, when one wakes before the chickens do, and they hear you, the result isn't too pleasent. I leapt off with (I suppose) my right foot and right before the climax of the jump, animal screams sliced the air in front of me. This disrupted my train of thought (YUM! EGGS!) and I crumpled midair.

Result? A gnarly looking set of legs, and two broken flip-flops. Just kidding about the crucialness, they were actually rather insignificant.

Currently, I'm listening to the midnight noises of outdoor beasties. (NOT eighth graders, by the way) I would be out there myself, sitting on my trampoline and enjoying the dark breeze, but alas, I am human and humans are susceptible to mosquito attacks. My body is proof of that, since I don't believe in DEET.
I can hear a toad/frog of some large size near the window, his flappy, slimy self slapping against the coarse, white of the brick wall. My sympathy goes out to him/her, outside is rather chilly.
There's something wading through the grass too. I can't see through the window, it's too bright in here. Guess I'll never know....


More often than not, on Thursday afternoon, I was trying to stay completely still, for health reasons. The first of which occurred at a time no reasonable human being even has nightmares about having to wake up. If normal human beings have such nightmares...

Anyhow, I was walking down my particularly steep driveway in the twilight, hoping for my vision to randomly become somewhat usable. Since that doesn't even happen in broad daylight, my hopes sputtered and savagely died rather quickly. Nonetheless I continued in my rather suicidal descent of the mountain.
Now, seeing as most everyone who will ever read this has either been to Rappahannock or (unfortunately) lives here, they will know what I mean when I refer to the wildlife here. It's just not fathomable for city dwellers, so if by chance you happened upon this blog and can hear traffic blaring outside your window right now, just pretend to understand.
I was wearing flip-flops, neon purple balloon pants (which are the comfiest on Earth) and an oversize t-shirt. Not exactly wilderness apparel. Which, I'm sure, is why animals decided that I was an easy target. Take this mother deer, for instance.
Halfway down the drive, there is noticable change in density of the forest. It's much thicker, and I, having trouble seeing in normal woods, just gave up looking. When, surprise, surprise, a doe lazily trotted out 8 feet in front of me. Well, at this point, I was desperately hoping it was a doe, because even though she could still easily kill me, being gouged by antlers isn't my favorite envisioned death.
When put under pressure, I generally crawl into a corner and cry. But instead of being able to perform my usual routine, I decided to use the old "don't show fear" option. As I moved my feet shoulder width apart and locked my stare with hers though, I began to doubt my reasoning. "Are you sure it wasn't pretend to be dead? Run in a zig-zag pattern? Yell loudly at the creature?"
(Which it wasn't. Those defensive strategies belong to encounters with bears and alligators and bears. Respectively.)
My strong stance was just not having the effect that I wanted it to. I am by nature a fidgeter, and when my fingers began to subconciously tap at my sides, the doe grew fiercer. Standing-still is just not my forte. I faltered, she saw it and stepped forward. I died a little on the inside.
And then she galloped off.

Of course, being a good horror/outdoor movie patron, I glanced behind me to ensure that there was not something more menacing and human-hungry standing behind me. Because I was moderately sure I didn't scare the deer off.
Onward towards daybreak I strolled and my mind began to focus on food. So my stomach and I marched off towards the house again, picturing a wonderful, warm, deer-free bowl of Quaker strawberry oatmeal.

To be continued.


Pt. 1 of Expedition

On Monday morning, about the 5th day of summer vacation, I stumbled upon something vastly new to me.
Chickens laid eggs?

I mean, of course I realized this before. But actually seeing a pile of chicken eggs out in the wilderness (or the chicken coop...) is rather exciting. After discovering this, however, I promptly forgot about it, as is the way of the wandering mind.
The sun was *mostly* out and it didn't take me very long to start feeling my fence-post white skin start to burn. Those goddamn birds that sound like they're trying to sing but are really not were awake too. So I was really trying to keep my spirits up in order to stay outside and not just retreat indoors.

That's when I found nest number two. Underneath our trailer.
If you own a trailer, or have lived in one, or currently live in one, or aspire to live in one, you know that underneath the trailer is not generally where you would look.
Of course, if you regularly trip over things that the universe plants there just to laugh as you fall, you end up looking in strange places during the recovery period. Which is, obviously, what happened here.

Anyways, nest No.2 was different than the first nests. One, because we didn't build this one. Two, because the thing sitting on it was not a chicken. IT WAS MY FREAKING GUINEA HEN! I thought she had been eaten months ago, but alas, there she was sitting *not* so peacefully on her nest. The lack of peace was expressed by her trying to eat my eyeballs out. I guess you really don't mess with mama?

Well, I did. I immediately began attempting to remove Mama from her nest, endeavouring to steal some guinea eggs as proof to the rest of the family of her existance. There was a long stick nearby, so to save my fingers from wreckage, and I prodded her off the bundle with it. Success. But then I had a better idea.

My chickens had been laying a shitload of eggs, yes, but none of them were hatching. SOOOOO
I quickly ran back to nest No. 1 (see above) and grabbed 4 chicken eggs, sprinted back to NN2 and put them on Mama's nest before she saw. *I think*
I might be a genious.

There are some advertisements on my page that I do not support. Such as the one right below this, showing meat products.


"The More You See, The Darker It Gets"

The title is, in fact, my dear friends, the catch-phrase for the sequel to Donnie Darko. "S. Darko" Yes, I am aware that anyone who didn't know this and has previously seen D.D. quite possibly peed themselves just a moment ago.
The sequel is based on the story of D.'s little sis, Samantha (Daveigh Chase)who runs away to Hollywood before having visions of an apocalypse. Awesome. The main reason for the hype among non-Donnie fans, however, is the appearance of multiple famous actors.
These would include Jackson Rathbone (Twilight), Ed Westwick (Gossip Girl) and James Lafferty (One Tree Hill).

I, for one, applaud Chris Fisher for attempting the sequel to the already quite fantastic original. The trailer bodes awesomeness, so I will be attending the opening night of the showing. No matter what my plans are.

Downside- Frank's costume gets worse with age.

Other movies to come - Terminator, Salvation (Thankfully, Arnold has retired from his monotonous-acting days, but you might be rewarded with a brief appearance. Maybe.) Christian Bale (Charlie Bartlett) plays the grown-up John Connor.

DISCREPANCY! Christian Bale is actually Anton Yelchin. Don't ask me how I managed to confuse the two.
Also, with Christian Bale(good lord.) the NEW AND IMPROVED STAR TREK.
I will be hosting a costume party in honor of this event. Date not yet set. :D


You've successfully slain the dragon! How will you toast your marshmallows?

Well, the best place to begin would be to set down my portable campfire (as seen in Spy Kids 2). After that, I would look around for some sticks. Realizing that I was in the middle of a gravel desert, I would smash the marshmallows onto my fingers and toast them on the portable campfire. Then I would whip the graham-crackers out of my clown shoe and eat them atop of the dragon.



I would like to introduce the best creation in the universe that is organically and vegan-ly sound.

That's all. I was just craving some this weekend and I bought a gallon. And subsequently drank all of it. All delicious 4000 calories of it.


Welcome to Planet Yearth.

Hello J.A.M.F., hope your spaceship made it here peacefully.
I would also like to say that I wish I had the guts to sit in bed almost completely naked and type a blog. I would be mortified if my mom/sister/dad/dog walked in on me.

Dog only because he would tell my dad. I swear they talk to each other.

I started my garden today!!!

I planted a ton of Poppies and they are going to look spectacular. My wonderful Aunt told me how to get the opium out of them. HAHA. But I don't remember so even if I had wanted to....


what you are reading is Dawn Scott's, AKA Dewey's, AKA lady lazyeyes's, AKA Jive Ass
Mother Fluffer's first official entry into the bloggosphere.
Not quite sure where im sending this little jem yet but pressumably, it will be to one of the two blogs i have access to. Sorry, Jessica, if it happens to land in your healthy bank of French toast and fog. (when i get out of bed, im totally breaking out the cinnamin and fog machine)
Im writting this in nothing but the socks, in bed, on a beautiful saturday morning. Thanks man, for giving me purpose at last.
Check you later, for now, Pulp Fiction, and spongebob await me. "I am the tirany of evil men"


Fog makes me sleepy.

It really does, so much that Mr. Wilson had to call upon Africa today when he yelled at me. That's a serious offense if the home land is brought into play. He's such a freak.
It really wasn't my fault though, as I have already stated.

I have work today, but right now I'm not feeling like cooking anything. Hopefully that mindset will change in oh.....3 hours and 35 minutes.'

OOOH. and here is your daily dose of bok choy courtesy a la cooks.com

1/2 c. water
1 tbsp. soy sauce
1/2 tsp. instant chicken bouillon granules
Several dashes pepper
Dash garlic powder
6 c. chopped bok choy
1/4 c. light cream or milk
4 tsp. cornstarch
In large saucepan combine water, soy sauce, bouillon granules, pepper and garlic powder. Bring to boiling. Add bok choy. Reduce heat; cover and simmer about 5 minutes or until crisp-tender. Blend light cream into cornstarch; stir into bok choy. Cook and stir until thickened and bubbly. 6 servings.

Yoomy yoomy.



Hello, I would like to welcome the potential of Dawn joining the blog.
To make this story short, she has a huge command of the English vocabulary and an interest in Amish boys.

I have an urgent matter to attend, otherwise I would write more. Until then.

Although this is possibly 3 hours later, I think the spectacular introduction I had planned is still moderately fresh, not too soggy yet. (But you know what is soggy? French toast. http://www.zenmocha.com/images/yummy_french_toast.jpg. Soggy, delicious, fattening French toast.)

I was talking about Dawn though. For protective purposes, I will not give a description of her. Because she's so awesome you might just want to stalk her. Don't though, because that would be weird and I might have to hit you very hard with a blunt object. If of course I had one at the time.

Shit. Back to Dawn.
Actually, I'll let her introduce herself when she hops in here.
Awesome idea self. *bows*


Updated Status of Me.

(Wait there is a light, there is a fire.)

My day began with a spark and ended with the whole damn forest ablaze. Smoky the Bear would not be proud of me, neither would Girl Scouts...or even 4H for that matter.
Upon walking into my kitchen around 6.30 a.m. this morning to make myself breakfast, I crossed paths with the notorious head of the house. My dad. I decided to attempt a new approach towards the dreaded early meal time. So I began with "Oh my gosh, dad guess what was really creepy?" (Not the most intelligent of starts, but I've produced worse)
I went on to describe my near-stroke encounter with a reflection of my dog's paw which happened to look like a white object scratching at the door from outside in the near pitch black dawn. Of course, as I normally do, I added details to make the story more suspenseful instead of flat out telling the listener what it was that almost made me pee my pants.
This was of course not appreciated by my newsprint, black-and-white, flat-language-loving paternal figure. I abruptly treated to a long lecture about my lack of tact when telling stories. I apparently bore him (as close as parents who don't know emotion get) to tears.

Surprise, surprise.

The only way one could satisfy his ear drums would be to wave a picture of a deer in front of his face and repeat the mantra, "forest, squirril, trees, dirt, tractor, deer hunting!"

Anyways, from there my day got worse:

The breakdown shall go like this--->

1st: Found out I really did not know how to factor polynomials until today.
2nd: Bombed stupid poetry test, (note: test was not stupid, if it had personality, I'm sure it would be rather astute actually)
3rd: Recieved news that I tanked (haha, all of these military style verbs) previous essay on arguing which I previously thought I might excel at.
4th: French class.
5th: Had to come home and bore my poor, poor father again with my lack of style and ineptitude in the ways of (and I quote) "casual conversation".

On the bright side, I think my outfit was nice.

Chinese Cabbage. :D

Bok choy - the "white cabbage"

Bok choy, or brassica chinensis to use its scientific name, is classified as a cabbage. Nonetheless, bok choy bears little resemblance to the round European cabbages found in western supermarkets, or to Napa Cabbage for that matter. Its white stalks resemble celery without the stringiness, while the dark green, crinkly leaves of the most common variety is similar to Romaine lettuce. The Chinese commonly refer to bok choy as pak choi or "white vegetable." Another common name is white cabbage.

(Thank you chinesefood.about.com)

Speaking of bok choy....(duh)
I have a wonderfully simple recipe for everyone.


  • 4 bunches baby bok choy (basically, 1 bunch per person)
  • 2 slices ginger
  • 2 tablespoons soy sauce
  • 1 teaspoon sugar, or to taste
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt, or to taste
  • 1/4 cup water
  • A few drops sesame oil
  • 1 1/2 tablespoons vegetable oil for stir-frying


Wash the baby bok choy and drain. Separate the stalks and leaves. Cut the stalk diagonally and cut the leaves across.
Heat wok and add oil. When oil is ready, add ginger and stir-fry briefly, for about 30 seconds, until the ginger is aromatic. Add the bok choy, adding the stalks first, and then the leaves. Stir in the soy sauce, sugar, and salt, and stir-fry on high heat for 1 mdinute.
Add the water, cover the wok and simmer for about 2 minutes. Stir in the sesame oil and serve. Serves 4.



I imagine it being jazz

Love me like a river does
Cross the sea
Love me like a river does
Love me like a river does
Baby don`t rush you`re no waterfall
Love me that is all
Love me like a roaring sea
Swirls about
Love me like a roaring sea
Wash me out
Love me like a roaring sea
Baby don`t rush you`re no waterfall
Love me that is all
Love me like the earth itself
Spins around
Love me like the earth itself
Sky above below the ground
Love me like the earth itself
Baby don`t rush you`re no waterfall
Love me that is all


Library Time

This is hour 5.5 of my Wednesday at the high school and Robby is starting to annoy me. Stop reading this over my shoulder.

I have recently discovered that I have basically only one person who constantly reads this. Which is more than I had expected so I might be tempted to have a celebratory dance in a couple of minutes.

I would have more to type but my valuable time has been wasted by Robby ____.

Can't remember surname.



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Got the original recipe out of Low-Carb Living, but altered it to fit the needs of my refridgerator.
So, it's basically the best americasian food you will ever taste. I boiled the chicken for 35 minutes and sauteed some zuchinni until al dente (I love that phrase). Meanwhile, I made a very Oriental tasting sauce with soy sauce, peanut butter, chili oil and sesame seed oil.

(The potatoes were courtesy of the Thornton River Grille in Sperryville. Delicioso.)
If you're interested I can send you the recipe. It's worth it.

Also while on the subject of food, if anyone would like to tell me how bok choy is best made...in their opinion, please give it a shot. There is excess of it in our house and I lika my diversity.

I will post more in the near future. Soccer and AP classes and work and possibly track and a pretend social life are very time consuming.


Actually, my life is just fine.

But again, rather than hear about my day all the time, (which by the way, was fantastic) I would like to hear about yours. Also, if anyone wants to send in photos of outfits they are planning to wear and just want some feedback, I'm all for that.

I just don't do the whole romantic advice thing.

Onto bigger and better things.
Like elephants. They're cool.


Holy Shi+.


Oddly, I don't know what to do about it. Which feels wierd because I always know how to fix my life.

Well, honestly, I do know how to fix it. I am just too lazy to do it.

ONTO YOU PEOPLE! How is your life going?
Tell me tell me tell me.


Guess Which One Doesn't Make The Cut?

Yes, studio audience. The correct answer would be c) crazy lady with too much of everything. When going for a short and spiked up hairdo, whether male or female, overdoing anything can kill your image. You will come across as a hobo on acid.

Oh, and after re-examination of picture C, I have come to the realization that he is not a lady. Another reason to tone the rest of your appearance down if you have an extreme haircut. Who wants to look completely androgenous? Not I.

Moral of the story: Keep it simple. One out there piece at a time pleassse.

Is anyone else excited that Brad Pitt is on here? I know I am. What a Hottie Mc. Hotpants.


Apology Time

Hello everyone. I would like to apologize to Mr. A.J. Collins. It's obvious that his style doesn't suit me, but it's not my decision to make whether he wears sweaters or not. I'd also like to thank Samantha Schwar for bringing that to my attention. It was over the top.

I, however, will not be taking back anything else I said. Mr. Wilson is still a crackhead and French Two is still threatening to force my insides to incinerate. But onward from the droll life that is mine.

Have you ever been to Loehmanns? Yes- good for you. No- !?!?!?!. This is possibly the future site of everything important in my life. It's so amazing I might just have my wedding there. The store is jam-packed with everything you could want from a clothing store.
Loehmanns sells brand name labels (Juicy Couture, Vera Wang, Betsey Johnson <-♥, Free People, Harajuku Lovers, etc.) for more than 50% less. Holy muffins, YES! But wait, what's more is the fragrance sales. I just bought Betsey Johnson's self-titled 3.4 oz. perfume (which comes in the most adorable box) for $25.00.

Are you drooling yet? Because they also sell shoes.
(Will I get a discount for advertising?)



After almost deleting this blog about 4 times in the past month, I've decided to recycle it. I now vow to actually post in it.

Let's get started.

Today was a day full of make-up fun and pictures. Inspiration courtesy of Teen Vogue. The new nifty one with Taylor Swift on the cover. I don't actually like her music that much, but she's gorgeous so she belongs on the cover anyway. I would post pictures of the day's activities, but dial-up is determined to make my life hell.

For Rappahannock high schoolers, the new semester started on Friday due to an impromptu holiday thanks to Chester Gap getting a massive amount of ice. Thank God for faulty school systems.
But the excitement was short-lived for some.

I may be alone when I say that I officially hate my new schedule, not that that would be anything out of the ordinary. My classes are Pre-calculus, English, French 2 and Personal Fitness.

Pre-calculus with Mr. Wilson. I don't know him quite well yet, but do I really need more than an hour to figure out that he is a total crack-head? The man went on for 5 minutes about steamed shrimp.

English actually sounds rather promising. Mrs. Delcour has a bubbly personality which should make things at least semi-interesting for the semester. The only negative thing to comment on this class would be A.J. Collins. Yes, A.j, you are a genius. You are even socially accepted. That's wonderful. Now please stop wearing South Pole sweaters made for men over the age of 90.

French 2. Enough said.

Personal Fitness promises to help me jump higher, run faster, feel stronger. It also promises to make me look a complete fool in front of half the senior class. All in 90 days.

Are you feeling at odds with your class schedule? Feel free to vent.